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In Linux, you can use the "find" command to search and find files. To do a fuzzy query, you can use the "-name" option and use wildcards in the file name.
For example, to find all files that start with "file" and end with ".txt", you can use the following command.
find /path/to/search -name "file*.txt"
The above command will find all files starting with "file" and ending with ".txt" in the specified path (/path/to/search). An asterisk (*) indicates a wildcard character and is used to match any character.
Similarly, to find files with specific characters in the file name, you can use asterisks for fuzzy queries. For example, to find all files that contain the character "hello", you can use the following command.
find /path/to/search -name "*hello*"
The above command will find all files with the "hello" character in the specified path (/path/to/search).
Please note that the "find" command may take some time to complete the search, depending on the size of the file system and the number of files.
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