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IDGlobal Answers What is a TYPO domain name? What is the value of a misspelled domain name?
- Author:Chao
- Category:Domain Docs
- Release Time:2022-11-25
1. What is a TYPO domain name?
Typo refers to small errors in typing (input), and typo domain names also refer to those domain names that are easy to type or remember incorrectly. This is very understandable. For example, if you want to visit (Taobao), you accidentally lose, and then you will find that you have entered "Jingdong Mall".
2. What is the value of TYPO domain name?
The value of the typo domain name is that it looks very similar to the original domain name, and it is easier for users to enter the typo domain name incorrectly to access the typo domain name, which will bring a certain amount of traffic. If the original domain name is a well-known website, such as Google, then the traffic brought by the typo domain name is unimaginable. Therefore, in addition to the brand domain name, well-known companies will also protect the typo domain name to avoid traffic loss, and some companies will buy the typo domain name.
3. What are the types of typo?
1, missing or redundant letters
There are several cases of incomplete letters, sometimes the repeated letters are missing, such as google click com; sometimes the input is too fast, a certain letter is not pressed out, such as google click com; sometimes the suffix letters are lost, such as google Click cm, google click co. The redundant letters can be divided into the same letters redundant, such as gooole point com, the other is different letters redundant, googtle point com.
2. Wrong alphabetical order
Do not remember the domain name very well or enter it too fast may cause this kind of error, such as goolge point com.
3. Wrong letter input
Due to the influence of the key position, the keys within the control range of the same finger may be confused, and netizens may easily input a certain letter as the letter key around the letter key, such as goofle to com, googke to com. In particular, horizontal and vertical input errors are the most common, such as "g" and "f", "i" and "k", etc.
4, missing dots
General netizens habitually add “www” when they input a domain name, omitting the dot after it becomes “wwwgoogledotcom”. And google point com point cn may be input as “googlecom point cn”.
5, spelling mistakes
There are two cases, one is that the domain name is pinyinized, such as looking for Google to click com, directly input guge to click com, Sina sina to click com, which is considered to be xinlang click com, etc. The other is that the pronunciation is similar, which leads to errors. Commonly, there is confusion between the front and rear nasal sounds. For example, is lost as kaixing.
6. Confusion of similar letters and numbers
This situation is premised on misreading, for example, google click com and lose it as g00gle click com, goo9le click com or goog1e click com (the letter "l" followed by the number "1").
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